Damaged Part
The weld is not correctly made due to the use of a flawed workpiece.
The weld is not properly made due to the workpiece not meeting specifications (examples: twisted, bent, scratched, torn, surface quality, surface coating, etc.).
Detection evidence may include:
- Cracks and Holes
- Expulsion/Burn Through
- Inconsistent Weld Quality
- Mislocated/Edge Weld
- Nonround Weld
- Poor Class A Appearance
- Sheet Metal Distortion
- Undersized Weld
- Part Inspection
Quality, Workplace Issues, Cost, Downtime, Maintenance, Throughput (cycle time; PPH), are all potentially affected by this condition. Special considerations are noted below:
Quality: Welding process may be correct but flawed workpieces result in nonconforming assemblies.